Braces are a fantastic treatment that can give you a perfect smile that will make you feel more confident, and help you make a great first impression.
But braces do cover parts of the teeth, so they require extra maintenance when it comes to keeping them clean.
Braces mean spending a little more time on oral hygiene, to ensure that all of the tiny spaces within your braces are thoroughly cleaned of food particles that can lead to damaging plaque and bacteria.
You may wonder what the main steps are for good oral hygiene while you’re wearing braces? At DonEast Dental, we offer the following advice.
Of course, it always comes back to brushing, and in this case, you probably want to get a new brush.
While an ordinary toothbrush will work, if it is properly used, there are better options to help you keep your braces and teeth clean.
An electric toothbrush is an excellent option as are brushes specially designed to clean around braces.
Spindle brushes remove food from between teeth and braces, as well as from between teeth.
Brush outside in. Start by brushing underneath the braces on the front of your teeth, removing food and plaque from the area under the brackets.
Then, brush over the brackets while trying to reach as much of the tooth as possible. Angling the brush will help you get it into an ideal position for cleaning underneath the wire.
The inside surfaces of your teeth should be easier to brush, and you can probably clean them normally.
Braces can make flossing tricky, but flossing is very important for the overall health of your teeth and gums.
To get your floss around and through those tricky braces, use a simple tool called a floss threader.
Shaped a bit like a sewing needle, a floss threader lets you pull a piece of floss through its “eye,” and then push the other end of the threader under the braces or between he teeth.
Then, grab the free end of the floss and use it as you usually would.
Use mouthwash regularly, as soon as your braces are in place. The metal brackets and wires create areas more likely to collect food particles and plaque.
This can lead to bad breath, plaque, tartar, and other dental problems. Using mouthwash after brushing and flossing helps kill any bacteria that might be lurking in your mouth.
Look for a mouthwash containing fluoride and follow the instructions on the bottle.
Acidic foods and drinks can damage tooth enamel while sugary foods and beverages can increase the chances of developing cavities or tooth decay.
Starchy foods, like potato chips, can stick to teeth for long periods, leading to tooth decay.
It’s particularly critical to be aware of foods that could damage enamel or lead to tooth decay if you have braces, to avoid stains on your teeth when your braces come off.
Here are a few more foods to avoid:
During the time you’re wearing braces it is important to keep your teeth and entire mouth as healthy as possible to ensure your teeth stay in place, stay straight, and are white and attractive for the lifetime of your straightened smile!
This means brushing at least four times per day, flossing at least once each day, using specially designed dental tools to keep braces clean, and maintaining a healthy diet.
These steps help ensure that your teeth look perfect when your braces come off. Dental care is essential at all times, but even more important when you have braces.
Like your braces and teeth, your retainer should be clean. If you are not wearing your retainer, soak it in a rinse to keep it fresh and bacteria-free. You should also clean your retainer daily.
If your toothbrush is not available, there are ad-hoc ways to protect your teeth. Vigorously rinse your mouth with water or mouthwash, then brush as soon as possible.
Also, to protect your soft tissues, you can place a special wax on braces to prevent them from chafing or cutting. This wax is available at pharmacies or at your dentist.
GAP FREE – General Check-up, Scale and Clean, X-rays and Fluoride treatment (with any health insurance)
You can find us at (03) 9842 1475, or on the web!
We are your trusted dental practice located at 1062 Doncaster Road in Doncaster East.
Tags: teeth clean
1062 Doncaster Road
Doncaster East, VIC 3109
ABN: 36655160786